The authentic Jurmo Bird Observatory
While in the archipelago of Turku, Pierre-Lou visited the Bird Observatory of Jurmo, an island located in the archipelago which is a very important point for migrating birds.
During these few days, Pierre-Lou accompanied Kim Kuntze, one of the volunteer station's managers and ringers. Despite cool weather conditions that did not favor the migratory passage, Pierre-Lou spent interesting days in a peaceful atmosphere alongside Kim and Meri, his faithful assistant!
Pierre-Lou discovered a very different but no less effective operation for passerines ringing, compared to the Swedish station of Ottenby, met a few days earlier.The most notable feature encountered here is not the capture technique but the operation of ringing. We could indeed talk about "ambulant" ringing. Ringers have all the equipment they need to handle birds. Thus, they ring birds on the same place of capture, immediately after having disentangled birds from the net. There is therefore no maintenance period and transportation of the bird, which reduces the impact on birds and also simplifies the logistics to implement. On important migration days, ringing keeps going therefore continuously, assistants disentangle birds from the net and give them directly to the ringers to increase efficiency and limit the waiting time of birds. And indeed, this operation is effective because they happened to ring more than 1500 birds in a day with only 3 ringers and their assistants!